Lakehurst Historical Museum

Proficient Plumbing & Heating, we are here in the community to give you the best plumbing services you could ever need. We are glad to share with our customers places of interest to visit such as the Lakehurst Historical Museum.

Presently, Lakehurst Historical Museum is located and operated in the old St. John’s church, a church that happens to be the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Ocean City, and it was built by Irish Railroad workers in the year 1874.

It is next to many interesting spots such as Lakehurst Hangar 1, Crossley Preserve, Horicon Lake, Navy Lakehurst Historical Society, and the list continues! As Lakehurst was incorporated as a borough from portions of Manchester Township, all its points of interest are really close to us too!

Lakehurst Historical Museum is a museum own and control by a non-profit organization named Lakehurst Historical Society.  This society contains a group of individuals devoted to the preservation of Lakehurst’s history, most especially artifacts related to aircraft.

Therefore, the open period for this museum is Sundays and Wednesdays, except if any holiday falls on any of the days.

The main exhibits that can be seen in Lakehurst Museum

Lakehurst Historical Museum is known to be a museum focused on the preservation of artifacts related to Lakehurst, New Jersey.  Therefore, a single visit to the Lakehurst Museum will grant you access to sightsee and know about the following things:

  • an ancient jail cell.
  • items from the Pine Tree Inn.
  • a 19th-century music box.
  • items from the Navy’s Rigid Airships Program, and some of the items from the Hindenburg accident. 
  • Fire Department memorabilia. 
  • items related to Lakehurst as a winter resort & an airship capital.

A little history about Lakehurst & New Jersey from Lakehurst Historical Museum

Lakehurst was once called Federal Forge, then Federal Furnace, before it was renamed Manchester Village in 1841. Manchester became a township on April 6, 1865, after William Terrey named it after factory town in England. Lakehurst was called Manchester in the year 1897. All Manchester Township governmental and political business was managed in Lakehurst. All Manchester Township Village boundaries were incorporated into a borough on the 7th day of April 1921. 

Pay a visit to the museum whenever you are in town & you would be amazed about some of its ancients structures. 

Research questions you will get the correct & exact answer from Lakehurst Historical Museum.

Think or talk about any research question relating to the under-listed events, Lakehurst Historical Museum gets you covered with the right answers. 

  • Pine Tree Inn
  • Jute Mill
  • The Hindenburg accident
  • Torrey family
  • The production of charcoal
  • Giberson murder 

For your research & thesis, feel free to pay a visit to the Lakehurst Historical Museum, they have lots of stuff to offer.

Here’s the map for the Lakehurst Historical Museum:

As you can see, the Lakehurst Historical Museum is about 25 minutes from our head office in Brick, New Jersey!